Product description says only 3" tee - for which? And what's the diff between these tees?
ProLauncher Tees
Another customer's prior question wasn't answered, except you reposted the product pic and description, but the description details say only that its a 3" tee - which tee is 3"? What size are the others, and what are the differences in them (meaning, for what use is each tee designed)?
36% smaller ball seat area for less friction and a cleaner launch. Perfect Flex – tapered shank design and semi-soft composite combine for less resistance at impact. Unbreakable (but your friends might steal it!) composite. “6 ways Launcher Tee out performs your standard wooden tees” An Increase in ...
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36% smaller ball seat area for less friction and a cleaner launch. Perfect Flex – tapered shank design and semi-soft composite combine for less resistance at impact. Unbreakable (but your friends might steal it!) composite. “6 ways Launcher Tee out performs your standard wooden tees” An Increase in ...
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